Keebler JIF peanut butter cookies!

What happens when little cookie making elves who live in trees decide to team up with one of the biggest peanut butter companies? We would hope a damn good peanut butter cookie, of some sort, right? Well when I saw these Keebler Jif cookies in the store, I snatched a package up so quick that you would have had to film it with a phantom camera and replay it in super slow motion to see it happen. I barely got home without ripping the package going and I'll be honest, it was just because I was scared I was going to rip the package and not be able to take a picture for this blog. 
But let's take a look at the new Keebler Jif Cookies! 

On the package, Ernie the leader of the Keelber Elves lets us know that these cookies are simply, fudge, peanut butter and crunchy nuts. But there's also a stamp letting us know that there's none of that FAKE peanut butter in these cookies. This is made with JIF peanut butter. Which I guess is good since their logo is all over the package. How weird would it have been to have Skippy in there, or Peter Pan? The package was well done though. I liked that they made sure to work the Jif colors into the background. But who cares about packaging. We want to know about the cookies!

First thing you notice when you rip this package open is that there are not many cookies in here at all. This isn't a package you can go hog wild on. These are made to be savored and eaten slow. Or, they are the kind of thing that you had better pick up two bags of, because listen up, Jack...You'll rip through one package in no time flat. Basically you have a round chocolate cookie that reminded me of what comes in the PB Twix. Topped with a layer of Jif peanut butter, and then covered in chocolate and crushed up peanuts. How can you go wrong with this?

These cookies are awesome. They have a great crunch to them and almost immediately they make me think that this is kind of what it would taste like to go back in time and eat a Reeses Crunchy Peanut Butter Cup and a Reeses Crunchy Cookie Cup together. They are full of flavor. From the sweetness of the outer fudge to the salty peanut butter. The textures are great because you have the cookie inside and the peanuts on the outside. They even remind me a bit of the Tagalongs Girl Scout cookies. If that's a flavor you enjoy, burn it into your mind, because at the rate the packages of Girl Scout Cookies are getting smaller, within a year or two they are just going to blink out of existence.

I'm giving the Keebler Jif cookies an A. If you like the chocolate peanut butter combination, like most, non-devil worshiping people do, then you should buy these cookies. They are a fantastic re-imagining of one of the best food combinations that our human brains have ever come up with, AND it's got an added bit of fun with the peanuts and cookie crunch. Even if Jif isn't your usual first choice for peanut butter, trust me. You can taste the difference when a cookie is made with real peanut butter as opposed to that weird fake stuff you find in many mass produced cookies. These are only around for a limited time so don't wait!

One thing is for sure, they definitely get Irwin's seal of approval. (Well, as much as he could smell. We aren't giving the Big Guy any chocolate!)

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Review by Rich.


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