Magnum Double Peanut Butter ice cream bars!

Have you ever tried a Magnum Ice cream bar? Josh reviewed them when they first came out a while back.  His review was pretty hilarious but in the end he deemed them mediocre. So it was a while before any of us tried the other flavors. Then one day I decided to give the caramel ones a whirl. They changed my life. If you have never tried them, DO IT TODAY. But somehow, we never reviewed them. I think it was because by the time we tried them they were so old that we didn't think anyone would care. But I've eaten them pretty regularly since. Then, our of nowhere, I walk by the ice cream novelties cooler at my local supermarket and I see something that made me do a triple take. Sweet mother of mercy. MAGNUM DOUBLE PEANUT BUTTER ICE CREAM BARS. 

Rub that dust out of your eyes, this isn't a mirage! 
I nearly broke into a dead run on my way home because I wanted to try these away from the prying eyes of the public. But the moment I walked in I snapped a pic and ripped the box open to give one of these a try. Reading the box it declares that they are peanut butter ice cream dipped in a chocolate coating, then peanut butter sauce and more chocolate coating. Aka: the best thing I've ever heard.

After being mesmerized by the golden wrapper for a straight minute, I snapped out of it and came back to my senses. Being a veteran to the ice cream bar game, I knew that I had to make my first bite small and precise, as to not damage the structural integrity of the bar. I expertly executed the move and my taste buds exploded like every vehicle in Mad Max Fury Road.


The shell melts into a delicious, soft chocolate, followed by the layer of peanut butter sauce that combine for a great sweet and salty sensation. I feel like I might have liked it a bit more if the peanut butter was a little closer to the consistency of the caramel ones, but that's just nit picking. The flavor of those two is damn near perfect. Then you hit another layer of wonderful chocolate shell followed by smooth, creamy peanut butter ice cream. You can eat it layer by layer, or make sure you get a little bit of each part in each bite.  Either way you do it, you'll just close your eyes and lift your face to the heavens while smiling. IT IS THAT GOOD.

It's all about the layers! 
If I had to ask Magnum one thing that might enhance this already perfect ice cream bar, it might be for some sort of swirl in the ice cream itself, but that's probably overkill. The Fatguyfoodblog crew are always looking to step things up and that's not always what the situation needs. This is one of those times. I'm giving Magnum Double Peanut Butter ice cream bars an A! That means you need to get them as soon as you can. They are the ice cream equivalent of this:

What a lovely day, indeed. 

As always, feel free to drop us a line if you find something out there in the wild that you want us to review. Whether it's a new kind of chips, cookies, or even a new sandwich or burger at your favorite fast food joint! We'll give them a whirl! You can reach us by email: , TWITTER: @fatguyfoodblog and you gotta like us on Facebook! We keep you up to date on new posts, fun snack news and we do contests and giveaways! Want to score free junkfood? Gift cards to your favorite late night fast food joint? Better be following ol' FGFB in the coming months! 


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