
Showing posts from May, 2015

Magnum Double Peanut Butter ice cream bars!

Have you ever tried a Magnum Ice cream bar? Josh reviewed them when they first came out a while back.  His review was pretty hilarious but in the end he deemed them mediocre. So it was a while before any of us tried the other flavors. Then one day I decided to give the caramel ones a whirl. They changed my life. If you have never tried them, DO IT TODAY. But somehow, we never reviewed them. I think it was because by the time we tried them they were so old that we didn't think anyone would care. But I've eaten them pretty regularly since. Then, our of nowhere, I walk by the ice cream novelties cooler at my local supermarket and I see something that made me do a triple take. Sweet mother of mercy. MAGNUM DOUBLE PEANUT BUTTER ICE CREAM BARS.  Rub that dust out of your eyes, this isn't a mirage!  I nearly broke into a dead run on my way home because I wanted to try these away from the prying eyes of the public. But the moment I walked in I snapped a pic and ripped the box op...

Wendy's Jalapeno Fresco Spicy Chicken and Ghost Pepper Fries

Ghost Peppers. I'm a little confused as to why Wendy's went with ghost peppers as a meal additive. Why? You don't know how ghost peppers are made? LET ME TELL YOU! First you slaughter an entire hillside village, bury their bodies in a mass grave, plant pepper plants above their rotting corpses and let the peppers suck their souls up from the ground before they can shoot down to hell. Are ghost peppers the blood diamond of the culinary world? I'm not sure, as everything I just told you I made up. I've gotta tell you I was insanely excited when these fries were launched, I remember seeing an ad for them a bit ago and decreed it as a post I will do for FGFB, and here we are. I couldn't JUST get fries....   The Wendy's website claims that there is melted shredded cheddar on these, but that was no where to be found. But what was found was a sweet, not really hot, nacho cheese flavor that was ok. My problem with almost every cheese fry meal out there, is that the ...

Cheez-It Crunch'd! Cheddar Cheese and Hot & Spicy!

Here at Fatguyfoodblog headquarters, we're always getting fun stuff in the mail. Barely a day goes by where we don't receive a package stuff with some sort of goodies. Some we get and they aren't a right fit for the blog, like that time we got a box of diet snacks. WRONG BLOG, BUDDY! But usually we get cool things to share with our readers. But every once in a while a company hits a home run with presentation and then we're instantly excited to try the product. Well our friends over at Nabisco did just that! The other day we got a huge box in the mail. Open it up and we see this... What in the cheezy hell? It was basically a Cheez-it hat box. I was praying there wasn't actually going to be a hat inside because I didn't want to have to trade out my sweet floppy winter hat for a neon pink Cheez-it trucker cap. The moment I lifted the lid I was greeted with the sound of crunching. For a moment I thought that the package was about to explode and coat the inside of m...