Red Velvet Oreo cookies!
For a while it seemed like we were being paid off by the people at Nabisco. Nearly every other review on our site was for a new flavor of Oreo. Now, some of our readers like to joke about it and call us FATGUYOREOBLOG. be honest, wouldn't be a bad idea for a blog. I would read it. You probably would too right? Well since 2015 kicked off it's like the good folks at Nabisco have been in hiding, just waiting to debut the first of what will probably be 76 new flavors of Oreo this year. Well, it looks like that time has gone. Ladies & Gents, we tracked down the Limited Edition Red Velvet Oreo cookies! Hmm...what's up with that cookie? Did the package print wrong? Now the first thing I'm going to tell you is that your eyes do not deceive you. This package is SMALL. It looks to be maybe 2/3 the size of a usual pack. I was torn about this. The reasonable part of my brain said, "Hmm. That's a good idea, in case this limited edition Oreo isn't that ...